Thinking about your own mortality after you lose a loved one – How to plan for your end of life

Thinking about your own mortality after you lose a loved one – How to plan for your end of life

As you begin to process the loss of your loved one you may find yourself thinking more about the impermanence of life. It is common for individuals to contemplate their own mortality as they mourn others and, while they are not always the most welcomed thoughts, they can help open the door to a better, more prepared future. 


With your recent loss at the forefront of your mind, take a moment to think about those that you love and the impact your eventual death will have. As you sit with those thoughts, begin thinking about the steps you can take now to reduce their stress and grief. 

End of Life Planning

Can you create documents that explain your final wishes? Can you have conversations that mend relationships or share special family moments? While you will not be able to influence all aspects of your end of life, you can make important decisions today that will make things easier for your loved ones now and later. 

Our friends at ELDR believe that everyone deserves a great ending and being adequately prepared for your end of life can facilitate that. The name, ELDR, comes from the old norse word ‘fire’, and we take pride in acting as the flame for our clients, lighting the way toward a better ending. One of the ways we do this is to break down the end of life planning process into smaller, more digestible pieces.

Four Focus Areas of End of Life Design

To support this process we encourage individuals to divide their needs into four main quadrants and to use those quadrants as guideposts in their end of life planning. Each quadrant represents important components of end of life planning;

  • Asset Management & Planning:
    • Tax and estate planning
    • Financial planning
  • Medical & Physical:
    • Desires for medical treatment and care
    • Improved wellness starting now
  • Social & Emotional:
    • Family dynamics and relationship needs
    • Mind/Body connection and support at end of life
    • Spiritual and religious preferences
  • Logistical & Pragmatic:
    • Memorials & honoraria
    • Funeral and body disposition plans
    • Communicating wishes for your housing and belongings


Looking at the entire picture may feel a bit overwhelming, especially while processing the loss of someone you love. That is why ELDR was created - to support people through important end of life planning conversations and better equip them to live more fully now, because they have prepared for later. 

ELDR provides this support through their marketplace of experienced, compassionate ELDRs; end of life experts who are available to walk you through an 8 conversation package and better prepare you for your end of life.

To learn more about ELDR’s work and to find an ELDR who matches your specific needs, visit their website here.

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